Mini One 2.0 is a compact and stylish exterior lighting solution designed for versatility and elegance. Its geometric cube design is complemented by its functional features, making it perfect for various lighting applications. With its sleek and seamless appearance, Mini One 2.0 enhances any space without the distraction of visible screws or wall mounts. Choose between the two-window or four-window options or opt for the blade of light version for a unique lighting effect. Crafted from EN 44300 aluminum alloy with minimal copper content, the die-cast body and flange of Mini One 2.0 ensures durability and longevity. The product undergoes a galvanic anodizing treatment, consisting of mechanical satin finishing, surface degreasing, anodic oxidation, and final sealing. This multi-step process guarantees a protective coating that shields the fixture from atmospheric agents and UV rays.
Manufactured in Italy, by Platek.